Extra credit: Submit a practice exam question

If we accept your question, this submission will net you 1% on your final grade. "Accept" does not necessarily mean that the question has to be chosen for the practice exam--it means that it needs to be good enough to be on there. We will only accept questions that show that you've put some thought into it. For example, just copying and pasting a quiz question and changing the numbers slightly will not make you eligible for extra credit.

You do not have any existing/viewable sessions and are not allowed to start a new one.

Check the following:

  • Sign in. You're not currently signed in. Access to the resource is restricted, and since the site has no way of knowing who you are, it may have denied you accesss. Once you're signed in, navigate back to your course from the home page and retry your last action.
  • Has the deadline for this assignment passed?
  • Complete your enrollment in your course. If you're not enrolled, a large "Enroll now" button will show up at the top of your course page. Click that, follow the indicated steps, and then retry your last action.
  • If none of the above steps help, please navigate back to your course from the home page and contact your course staff.