import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npla
import scipy.linalg as spla
import matplotlib.pyplot as pt
Suppose we are modeling a relationship between $x$ and $y$, and the "true" relationship is $y = a+bx$:
a = 4
b = 2
def f(x):
return a + b*x
plot_grid = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100)
pt.plot(plot_grid, f(plot_grid))
But suppose we don't know $a$ and $b$, but instead all we have is a few noisy measurements (i.e. here with random numbers added):
npts = 5
points = np.linspace(-2, 2, npts) + np.random.randn(npts)
values = f(points) + 0.3*np.random.randn(npts)*f(points)
pt.plot(plot_grid, f(plot_grid))
pt.plot(points, values, "o")
What's the system of equations for $a$ and $b$?
Now build the system matrix $M$--a Vandermonde matrix:
(We'll call it $M$ because $V$ conventionally used for the result of the SVD)
M = np.array([
What's the right-hand side vector?
Now solve the least-squares system:
U, sigma, VT = npla.svd(M)
Determine $x$, from $U\Sigma V^T \mathbf x = \mathbf b$, where $\mathbf b$ is values
x = VT.T@((U.T@values)[:2] / sigma)
Recover the computed $a$, $b$:
a_c, b_c = x
def f_c(x):
return a_c + b_c * x
pt.plot(plot_grid, f(plot_grid), label="true", color="green")
pt.plot(points, values, "o", label="data", color="blue")
pt.plot(plot_grid, f_c(plot_grid), "--", label="found",color="purple",)
if 0:
# show residual components
np.minimum(f_c(points), values),
np.maximum(f_c(points), values),
color="red", lw=2)
# - Little red bars connecting the data to the computed fit line.
# - No. The residual is only computed against the known data, not the unknown true model.
# - The fit gets better
# - Least squares "punishes" outliers with the square of their distance.
# So outliers have a habit of severely wrecking a least squares fit.
# - We should recover the exact data.
# - No problem--just add coefficients.
# - No problem--just use a different Vandermonde matrix.