Copyright (C) 2020 Andreas Kloeckner
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import scipy.optimize as sopt
import matplotlib.pyplot as pt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
Here's a function. It's an oblong bowl made of two quadratic functions.
This is pretty much the easiest 2D optimization job out there.
def f(x):
return 0.5*x[0]**2 + 2.5*x[1]**2
def df(x):
return np.array([x[0], 5*x[1]])
Let's take a look at the function. First in 3D:
fig = pt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection="3d")
xmesh, ymesh = np.mgrid[-2:2:50j,-2:2:50j]
fmesh = f(np.array([xmesh, ymesh]))
ax.plot_surface(xmesh, ymesh, fmesh)
<mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection at 0x7fea691c1880>
And then as a "contour plot":
pt.contour(xmesh, ymesh, fmesh)
<matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet at 0x7fea69138af0>
Next, initialize steepest descent with a starting guess:
guesses = [np.array([2, 2./5])]
Next, run Steepest Descent:
x = guesses[-1]
s = -df(x)
def f1d(alpha):
return f(x + alpha*s)
alpha_opt = sopt.golden(f1d)
next_guess = x + alpha_opt * s
[ 6.10454625e-07 -1.22090963e-07]
Here's some plotting code to illustrate what just happened:
pt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
pt.contour(xmesh, ymesh, fmesh, 50)
it_array = np.array(guesses)
pt.plot(it_array.T[0], it_array.T[1], "x-")
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fe78a5a62e8>]
for i, guess in enumerate(guesses):
print(i, la.norm(guess, 2))
0 2.039607805437114 1 1.3597385362818037 2 0.9064923598953564 3 0.6043282354184075 4 0.402885493365651 5 0.268590327422494 6 0.1790602196535349 7 0.11937347850578087 8 0.07958231961357493 9 0.05305487971599619 10 0.03536991972494859 11 0.023579946499640153 12 0.0157199643742649 13 0.01047997619145283 14 0.006986650869603477 15 0.004657767182597052 16 0.00310517817085647 17 0.0020701187313361103 18 0.0013800791942763257 19 0.0009200527639282007 20 0.0006133685351837453 21 0.0004089123383293087 22 0.00027260823928739256 23 0.00018173881650443178 24 0.0001211592177181258 25 8.077280684766319e-05 26 5.3848541322305716e-05 27 3.589902516077526e-05 28 2.393268515749757e-05 29 1.595512232752962e-05 30 1.0636748894671809e-05 31 7.0911654939472895e-06 32 4.727443954112351e-06 33 3.1516290931456465e-06 34 2.101086219381249e-06 35 1.4007240373068642e-06 36 9.33816096573883e-07 37 6.22544015961566e-07
Steepest descent with added "momentum" term:
$$x_{k+1} = x_k - \alpha \nabla f(x_k) \color{red}{+ \beta (x_{k}-x_{k-1})}$$guesses = [np.array([2, 2./5])]
# beta = 0.01
beta = 0.1
# beta = 0.5
# beta = 1
Explore different choices of the "momentum parameter" $\beta$ above.
x = guesses[-1]
s = -df(x)
def f1d(alpha):
return f(x + alpha*s)
alpha_opt = sopt.golden(f1d)
next_guess = x + alpha_opt * s
if len(guesses) >= 2:
next_guess = next_guess + beta * (guesses[-1] - guesses[-2])
[8.71963591e-08 1.00428680e-07]
pt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
pt.contour(xmesh, ymesh, fmesh, 50)
it_array = np.array(guesses)
pt.plot(it_array.T[0], it_array.T[1], "x-")
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fe78a78c048>]