An Introduction to Sympy

Copyright (C) 2020 Andreas Kloeckner

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Sympy variables are created using unique string identifiers.

One can form expression from symbols. Sympy expressions are made up of numbers, symbols, and sympy functions.

Two expressions may be added together to form a new one.

One can form sympy Matrix objects.

An important Matrix function is eye(n), which forms a $n \times n$ identity matrix.

One can stuff expressions into matrices, too.

One may compute the Jacobian of vector valued functions, too.

Sympy expressions can be evaluated by passing in a Python dictionary mapping Symbol Symbols to specific values.

One can even valuate the Jacobian of functions.

To convert a Sympy Matrix into a Numpy array, one may use the following:

After evaluating an expression in Sympy, the return type is a sympy.Float. However, this is not readily usable by Numpy. Therefore, consider casting sympy.Float to a numpy.float64.

At this point, one cna do all the usual stuff one would in Numpy.

Symp's Lambdify can help increase the speed of Sympy's numerical computations.

Or if it is more convenient to have the function evaluation occur from a list of some sort, the Python * operator on lists can help.