
(The schedule of topics is tentative and subject to change.)

Slides adapted from CS446-Spring 2018 by Telgarsky and Schwing

Lecture Date Topics References Assignments Lecture Slides Scribe Notes
1 8/26/2020 Intro to Machine Learning slides, annotated
2 8/28/2020 Linear Regression HW0 Assigned (not graded) slides, annotated scribe
3 9/2/2020 Logistic Regression slides, annotated scribe
4 9/4/2020 Optimization 1 (Primal) slides, annotated scribe
4+ 9/9/2020 Optimization 1 (Primal; part 2) slides, annotated scribe
5 9/11/2020 Optimization 2 (Dual) duality playground HW1 Assigned slides, annotated questions
6 9/16/2020 Support Vector Machine slides, annotated scribe
7 9/18/2020 Multiclass Classification, Kernel Methods slides, annotated scribe
8 9/23/2020 Deep Learning 1 (Activation Functions, layers) slides, annotated scribe
9 9/25/2020 Deep Learning 2 (Backpropagation) HW1 Due, HW2 Assigned slides, annotated scribe
10 9/30/2020 Ensemble Methods slides, annotated scribe
11 10/2/2020 Learning Theory - 1 slides, annotated scribe
12 10/7/2020 Learning Theory - 2 slides, annotated scribe
10/9/2020 Midterm Review HW2 Due slides, annotated
10/14/2020 Midterm Exam Midterm
13 10/16/2020 Structured Prediction HW3 Assigned slides, annotated scribe
14 10/21/2020 PCA, SVD slides, annotated scribe from last year
15 10/23/2020 K-means slides, annotated scribe
16 10/28/2020 Gaussian Mixture Models HW3 Due slides, annotated scribe from last year
17 10/30/2020 Expectation-Maximization (E-M) HW4 Assigned slides, annotated scribe from last year
18 11/4/2020 Hidden Markov Models; Density Estimation slides, annotated scribe
19 11/6/2020 Generative Adversarial Networks slides, annotated scribe
20 11/11/2020 Variational Auto-Encoders HW4 Due slides, annotated scribe
21 11/13/2020 Autoregressive Methods HW5 Assigned slides, annotated scribe
22 11/18/2020 Markov Decision Process slides, annotated scribe from last year
23 11/20/2020 CANCELLED
11/25/2020 FALL BREAK: NOV 23 - DEC 1
11/27/2020 FALL BREAK: NOV 23 - DEC 1
24 12/2/2020 Q-Learning HW5 Due slides, annotated scribe
25 12/4/2020 Policy Gradient, Actor-Critic slides, annotated scribe
12/9/2020 Final Review Last Day of Instruction slides, annotated
12/17/2020 Final Exam Final