Free & Open Source Software Contribution

This course is designed for you to develop the miscellaneous skills you need for successful software development, maintenance, and operations. To that end, 25% of your course grade will be based on your contribution to free and open source software projects. Unless you are already majordomo of a FOSS project in general use, you should select a project and community you can contribute to.

I will give points towards this 25% based on the following rubric:

You should contribute to some FOSS project hosted publicly on GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, or SourceForge. Tell me which project you are working on and we'll track contributions in an ad hoc manner. Private software development is also acceptable if I can access and view the associated pull requests and discussions. (But you shouldn't "double count" internship efforts with this course.)

There are two additional requirements I lay on your contributions:

  1. The contributions or project can't count for credit any other way (i.e., you can't double-count an independent study project with this).

  2. It has to be active during the term of CS 491TC (that is, the PRs and discussion have to take place during this semester).